Thursday, March 5, 2009

On Some Of My Favorites

Just a short post tonight. I haven't been blogging as much as I should lately. I just don't feel like I have much to say beyond the usual. However, I have had a very productive past couple of days. I got all caught up on homework and lectures and planned out the next few semesters of classes at Purdue. I think this one-class-per-semester way should be managable, so long as the courses are similar to the one I have now. For some reason, I REALLY enjoy statistics. I had an excellent professor at KU in the geography department who explained it so well that I still understand what's going on, even though it's an entirely different application of statistics. If it was practical, I would just do my Master's in stats. I don't think my company would pay for that though.
I made a big mistake on Sunday night. Matt and I watched this scary zombie movie called Quarantine. I really love scary movies for some reason, especially ones that impact me enough that I keep thinking about them. Quarantine was one of those. Well, I'm glad I have my doggies to protect me from all of the crazy freak-outs I have been having during the recent evenings regarding zombies. I have a really vivid imagination, which is probably why I most people consider my favorite movies to be "bad" movies. For example: Jurassic Park and Twister. I can imagine my way past anything that seems unrealistic, which is why I love them so much.
When I was maybe 10 years old, my dad took me to see the original Jurassic Park in the theater. Critics of JP warned that young children could have nightmares after seeing the movie, but we went anyway. It turns out that I had plenty of dreams about dinosaurs chasing me around after seeing that movie. But the funny thing was, I LOVED those dreams! I would always think of the best places to hide from each kind of dinosaur. Nerdy, I know! But I don't have Jurassic Park dreams anymore and I wish I miss them!
As for Twister, my friend Stephanie and I saw that movie a couple times in the theater and then watched the VHS at least 50 times in high school! We memorized that movie and could quote it line by line, no joking! I am pretty sure that movie was at least 75% of the reason I studied meteorology in college. :) Our imaginations got us past the MANY impossibilities of that movie that I now recognize a little more clearly.
Ahh, reminiscing always makes for a good blog post.


Anonymous said...

You'll bounce back in no time after your wisdom teeth surgery!! :O) I wish I could be there to bring you a slushie like you did for me when I had mine out!! Manda

Laura said...

Amanda, I'm glad I was able to bring you a smoothie and wish you were going to be here too! I had to go and do all of my "wisdom teeth food" shopping for myself tonight. :( But it will all be OK if you and Erin still decide to come out in April! We can get a smoothie then. It will be great even if I am fully recovered!

Stephanie said...

TWISTER!! When I watch it, I still say the lines. ;)I remember watching one of the Jurasic Parks (I think the second one, not sure) at the Training Center and your dad coming up behind us and scaring us. Too funny.