Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I Must Be Getting Old

Matt and I headed out tonight for what seemed like a normal twilight walk with Pongo. Our neighborhood is quiet and it's really nice and cool in the evenings. We encountered our first obstacle near the beginning of our walk. Sprinklers! They lined the sidewalks and we got drenched running through them! Our other option was to walk in the street which is pretty busy and people here drive crazy! It was fun and even a little romantic to run through the sprinklers.
But when we turned off of the busy street to a quieter one, things got really interesting. Some high school kids who were "cruising" the neighborhood must have taken an interest in us. Something wet spattered out onto the street. It scared me, but we just kept walking. I thought maybe they accidentally dropped their drink out the window. WRONG!
On their next pass, they proceeded to hit my feet with a water balloon. This really made me mad. I yelled. Luckily, I had on rubber Croc-like shoes because they dry fast. I hate wet feet. Moreover, I hated the fact that it could have hit Pongo, who doesn't pop water balloons like the sidewalk does. This is where I started thinking that I must be getting old, to get angry at some kids having fun. But really, when I started out on my walk, I didn't think I'd be getting bombarded by water balloons on a Tuesday night. That must be the thing for teenagers to do here. I certainly don't remember ever stooping to that kind of mischief when I was a teen, but please remind me if I did! Then I'll wear a rain coat and welcome the water balloons because it's what I deserve if I was that stupid!
Well anyway, the car passed another time with no incident. Then Matt and I decided to turn off that street and go down another. They passed us again. Nothing. I started to get nervous that they were just following us after that, but we turned again and didn't see them again. Never a dull moment in Denver!
A more helpful lady we met on our walk told us about a dog park not far from where we live. It's at Cherry Creek State Park, which is close but not walking distance like Roeland Park. I really want Pongo to keep meeting and playing with other dogs. He sleeps a lot now and I don't want him to get moody and agressive toward other people and dogs. So far though, he's his same old self, at least when he's awake.
The only other exciting thing for me lately is that I moved to my own cube at work since my computer arrived. It's definitely a change. I'm glad to have my own space, but I am now sitting near the younger crowd who don't talk much. At least when I had to steal my supervisor's computer, I could talk to Bob, a 57 year old man experiencing the joys of internet dating. Hey, at least it was something! Today, the silence was deafening. And I finished another airport and they weren't ready with the next one, so I had to "read my employee manual" for three hours. At least I brought a Rachel Ray cookbook to work and planned a nice First-Day-Of-Work dinner for Matt. (BTW, I'm THRILLED that he won't be on nights for two weeks while he trains!)
We are also adding to our list of visitors. Jake will be here around the 16th of August and Matt's mom and Ron will be here Labor Day weekend. Yay! More Kansas fixes. We might have to compile a wish list of Kansas items (BBQ sauce, Boulevard, etc.) for those who are driving. *wink wink*
Alright, time to get my old self to bed!


Elizabeth said...

Hi Matt and Laura! I ran into Ricky last night and he told me about your blog. Love the house and am so glad to hear things are going well. Matt, I hope you enjoy your first week at work!

Stephanie said...

No I don't remember us doing anything like throwing water balloons at random people when we drove around. Next time maybe you guys should bring some water balloons just in case. :)