Saturday, July 26, 2008

House Warming

Tonight we are having people over for our official "house warming." I put it in quotes because it's a rented house so it's not one of those parties where people bring wine and gifts and things like that. We haven't had anyone over to the house yet because it has been a mess with all of the unpacking and boxes. Today we are finishing up with the unpacking and getting things organized. My last major project will be my desk, which I have not had time to do.
To my knowledge, we didn't lose any boxes or furniture in the move, which is amazing since the truck was packed full with at least four different households' things. They had to re-arrange some of our stuff to get the last load to fit so I was nervous. We did even end up with a Dish reciever of someone else's, which we are not sure what to do with. When I get a moment, I will probably try to call the moving company, but since we spent most of my cell phone minutes last month arguing with them, I'm not super excited to get on the phone with them AGAIN. Matt said it right. They are one of the most difficult companies to deal with. It will probably take me an hour to figure out what to do with this one little box.
Oh how easily I get off track...
I am very excited to have people over tonight, but I also found myself calling our Kansas friends to invite them, just for old times' sake. I know that sounds funny, but it just seems like they should be here. We're going to do our usual, grilling some burgers and hot dogs. I'm excited to try a new recipe I found for chicken burgers. A lot of stores actually sell ground chicken which looks a lot like normal ground beef, just a different color. And that's what you use in this recipe. We're also going to make some spicy cole slaw to go along. Yummy! Or as Rachel Ray would say, Yummo! (We found the recipe in one of her cookbooks.)
So anyway, i will post again on how everything goes. Also, my dad is coming tomorrow! This is going to be a great weekend.