Saturday, September 6, 2008

Deaths In The Household

When I was in high school, I worked on the MHS Mentor, our weekly newspaper. One of my first tasks was writing headlines for all of the stories and they were supposed to be attention grabbing. I'm kind of implementing that strategy into by blogs (sometimes). Did the title of this post grab your attention? Well don't worry, there haven't been any serious deaths in this house, other than that of about a million or more germs today.
So here you have it: Matt is battling his first round of sickness just as fall is rolling in. He attributes this to working in a new hospital with a new set of germs and bugs and other unpleasant things. Regardless of what has made him sick, it's hard for me to really take care of him with our opposite schedules. I have not so subtly encouraged him to take vitamin C and echinacea, which boost the immune system. But other than that, I can't do much from my desk at work. So today, after my plans to see my former supervisor, Kyle were postponed, I decided to give the house a thorough cleaning. I figure that can certainly help Matt get better. I did all the things I hate doing like cleaning the bathrooms and vacuuming the stairs. I think our Wal-Mart vacuum is about to give out. I really don't think it does a proper job anymore. I am trying to convince Matt to let me get a Dyson vacuum but they are very expensive and we have other things to save for like a new bed, car and eventually a house.
I also disinfected everything in the bathrooms and Pongo's kennel, thus inflicting massive death on all of the germs and bacteria that might have been living in those areas. I still have a couple items left to clean, like the shower, laundry, kitchen and the dog. I'm exhausted though and need to run since I skipped out on that yesterday.
Matt and I finally combined our cell phone plans yesterday! Well actually I just added him on to mine because we really liked the T-Mobile Sidekick phones and it also goes back to the whole history thing. I have been with them now for 5 years on my own plan and have a good background with them, so hopefully no funny business will happen like with the bank. We also wanted to keep our current cell phone numbers and T-Mobile allowed us to do that.
We love our new phones! They are twins except mine is green and Matt's is black. They come with unlimited texting and internet, for a monthly fee of course. The screen pops up and underneath is a full qwerty keyboard which I am still getting used to, but it is much easier to send text messages that way. Our plan also includes a "Favorites Circle" and free nights and weekends for each line. So we probably won't be using many of our shared minutes since we have the house phone as well.
All right, I better hit the running trail before Matt gets home from work. We're headed over to watch the KU football game and grill with Dave and Mary tonight. It will be a fun evening!


Brennan Walter said...

*All right, I better hit the running trail before Matt gets home from work.* - lol, better to re-word that laura!and yes, i was suddenly worried about a family death i was not aware about. good, or bad job laura!

Laura said...

I am not really sure why you suggest I re-word that. "Hit the running trail" means I am going running, not that I better hit the trail running before Matt gets home, which implies that I am trying to escape from him for some reason. Nope, I'm not going anywhere except for my normal running loop...

Jenny said...

This is Jenny, Matt's cousin. You wanted everyone to reply that we were reading, although my mom sent me the link when you started the blog and I just returned today, so I have a lot of catching up to do, but when I saw you are considering a Dyson, I HAVE to comment.

I was where you are about a year ago, and Kenny and Erin SWEAR by their Dyson. A good deal on one came up on and I called Kenny for advice. Well, in the sweet way only a brother can talk to you, he told me I was an idiot if I didn't buy it.

So, I got it (I have the ball one) and I love it. It picks up everything. When you first get it you'll be grossed out at what your old vacuum left behind. Find a good deal and get it!!!