Tuesday, May 19, 2009

One Of My Favorites!

One of my favorite things to do in the evening, especially now that I am finished with my class, is to read blogs. It is like getting a much anticipated Christmas present every day when I see a newly updated blog. I am thrilled to keep adding to my list of blogs (to the right) and to be able to stay updated on the lives of so many people! Knowing how thrilled I am when those blogs get updated really keeps me motivated to stay on top of my own blog, and also makes me feel guilty when I go through long spurts without blogging.
If you follow my blog and have one of your own that I don't have listed, please let me know and I will add you, no matter how long we may be out of touch. If you already have a blog that I read, keep 'em coming! This blog post is dedicated to all of you bloggers who make my day with your updates!
I recieved some happy news today. I got my official grade back for my Purdue class and I got an A! I was on the A-B bubble before the final and thought for sure that the final would send me to the B range. But I was pleasantly wrong. I think taking this Master's program one class at a time is definitely the best idea. I have better confidence in myself and my abilities now, knowing I CAN do well in these classes. I was pretty intimidated at first. Still, I have no idea what the future classes will be like.


Casie said...

Congrats on the 4.0! ;) I was on the same bubble with my class, and managed to come out on the upper end too. However, as we discussed, yours is much harder! :)

Laura said...

I'm not really sure how my professor "rounded" in the class. It was very generous. Oh well, I'll take what I can get! Congrats on your A as well, Casie!

mom m said...

Way to go, Laura!!