Thursday, April 23, 2009

Winding Down

Don't really have much to say tonight, which means this will probably be a long post. :) I'm pretty much blogged out after all of my debating of global warming on my cousin Andrew's blog. (See the "Back to Basics" link under my blog list to the right if you are interested.
School is winding down. I am almost finished with my first Master's class! Now, only 9 more to go. I just submitted my term project and second to last homework assignment today. All in all, I sent about 20 pages worth of calculations and statistical analysis to Purdue today. Whew! Glad that's all over.
I really wanted to do that picture post tonight that I have been promising, especially since I am using Matt's computer until we get the laptop back on Monday. It would be really easy to put some of his wonderful pictures up, but the ones I wanted are not uploaded yet. (hint, hint, Matt!)
I will be picking up our friend Jake tomorrow from the airport. He is in town for his second visit and is already planning a third this summer. Jake moved back to Kansas City from Alabama right at the time we moved to Denver, so we really look forward to getting a weekend with him.
Speaking of which, I am going to end this post now so that I can finish getting everything ready. The dogs really need baths tonight, so that's my first priority.


Unknown said...

Hi Laura,

I was reading your post and was a bit confused when you said your cousin Andrew (I know I was being egocentric but since I am also your cousin Andrew I ask for pardon). So curiosity got the better of me and after reading “a more different Andrew’s blog” let me say yes our opinions are very different. Global warming is now really just an argument about God’s existence?

While kudos to asking questions, and I enjoy a good debate as much as the next guy is this really how it should be done? Shouldn’t people do a little more homework about the opposing viewpoints before making an argument? I know, I’m biased, as I’m a geologist. To me, when someone comes up with an opinion on global warming, evolution, or anything dealing with earth systems and they haven’t even tried to understand the scientific viewpoint it is a lot like if a person walked up to a car designer (the one who has worked on this very model) and tells him in great detail and with absolute certainty how the vehicle runs via hamster power without even looking under the hood because they read it in a book (or heard it from a guy who claims to have read it in a book).

Bottom line anyone can have an opinion but please try to be a little better informed and maybe even give it some thought before expressing it.

a cousin also named Andrew

Laura said...

Govert cousin Andrew,

Sorry to confuse you! The other Andrew is on the Walter side of the family. :) But I'm glad you checked out the debate because I confused you! I'm not a global climate expert by any means, but I did look into it a lot at KU, so perhaps I am just biased as well. I just don't think we should write off science as moot.
Thanks for your comment. It's the first I've had in a long time and I enjoyed hearing your perspective!


Casie said...

I checked out your cousin's post, and while I agree with some of his older posts (no surprise there :)), I agree with you that even if climate change is something that we can't control, we still need to be responsible and take care of what God has given us. I do think that "Going Green" has been over-commercialized, but the thought behind it is still valid.

As far as evolution, I totally agree with you and like your statement that evolution tells us how the Earth has changed, the Bible tells us why. Brilliant. I teach World History, and there are some students who refuse to even take part in that section (about evolution), which I find incredibly frustrating. Unfortunately, the administration is not willing to take a stand either way - so basically that means the students do not have to learn about it if they (or their parents) do not want to.

When other people refuse to even consider or learn about opposing viewpoints, it's ridiculous. I had a subcription to Newsweek before the election, and I certainly did not agree with most of what they said -but it was still a learning experience and an opportunity to broaden my horizons.

Anyway, I have gotten off-topic, but I don't get much adult conversation, so you'll have to forgive me! :)

Laura said...


How do you grade your students if they don't participate in a whole section of the class? I know you can't force them to and I'm glad you don't, but I can understand why it might be frustrating.
I am glad you took time time to look over our discussion. I am not looking for people to agree and back me up with what I have stated there. It is a great discussion though, well worth reading. It's really imortant to at least consider where others are coming from. I do not think Andrew is refusing to consider anything. That is why he asked for discussion on his blog and he replies to what I say. I enjoy the challenge and educating myself on the views of others.
Any time you need some "adult" conversation, feel free to call me! I know we don't talk much anymore, but I know where you are coming from. I converse mostly with dogs these days...